Tuesday 6 December 2011

CM Punk...

I'm not too sure if CM Punk's recent consistent bashing of The Rock has been planned with HQ or is Punk angling for a match, or simply Punk voicing his views, but he really is making himself look petty and stupid.

To suggest, as he did, that Rock may not have been responsible for the increase in WM27's buyrate being up on the last few years is pretty ignorant and displays either a high level of jealousy or a low level of knowledge on the Wrestling PPV industry.

Above all else, Punk needs to realise that he is now considered by WWE brass to be a top star, so he needs to conduct himself at least in some shape like that. He won't get away with any "cool rebel" stuff for very long - he simply isn't a big enough ratings or PPV draw and he is really not a particularly good rebel figure.

This stuff with the "best selling" t-shirt stuff is really just childish re-tweeting. Rock's tweet suggested that his shirt is the best selling shirt AT THE MOMENT. It was basically an advertisement to buy the thing. There was no need for Punk to stick his beak into it...again.

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